Sunday, March 12, 2017


Dear Christian teens,
As a Christian girl, I like to think that I'm honoring the Lord.
In fact, many times, that is my prayer.
I pray that my focus ultimately lies on honoring Christ and enlarging the Kingdom of God.
I also pray that that will be the prayer of Christians as a whole.
I pray that as a family of God we will open our minds and hearts to the Lord's will and His call on each of our lives.
And in this life, as we are constantly honoring Christ through our sharing and witnessing...
we get so engrossed into the lives of others.
Our compassion grows in numerous ways, (which is amazing) but maybe too much.
We love others, and we give, and give, and give.
We are looking to all the needs of others that we forget our own spiritual needs.
We begin to feel the need of pleasing people to the point of losing the perfect 
"receive and outflow of God's love."

If you'll allow me, let me shift your perspective.
From my own experience, in friendships and in ministries, I've plunged into God's plan for the person He's set on my heart and I give everything I've got.
Nothing is wrong with this, until you start trying to live up to what that person thinks of you. You try to be a "perfect Christian", and you try to do everything you can to please them and honor them.
In this reminder, I hope you'll hear what God has put on my heart.

Everyday is a form of worship. Our lives are centered around, and surrounded by praise; giving back to God.
The only thing that God asks of us is to receive His love. minister, and share it with others. 
God simply wants us to give back to Him so that He can give more to others.
So we're already doing this, but then we stop doing it as worship to God.
We stress on being a good Christian and we stop doing what we're doing for the right reason.
The reason is:
giving back to God.
Have compassion, but do it because of God's love. Yes, serve others.
But ultimately....serve God.


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