Sunday, February 26, 2017


Dear Christian teens,
In our daily lives we stay busy.
As Christ followers, we get so caught up in this fast paced culture that we forget to focus on our spiritual growth and the spiritual growth of those around us.
 We lose sight of the most important thing.

The very essence of it is so great.
When it comes to glorifying God, it seems to be something so small and unimportant.
The very thought of the word is so frustrating.
In this culture, the meaning is a joke.
And now, we simply do not care.
Either we live too much in the worldly pleasures, or we look so deeply on what
"has to be done" that we forget God's mission.
Our relationship with Christ is so far from our minds that we forget what honoring Him is like.
We even forget to minister to others.
And most importantly, we forget to live out our own faith.

You're not alone.
I struggle with this too.
I'm pretty sure many of us do.
Focusing on God's love and not our "preferred love" is difficult.

But we have to overcome this.

1. We find a greater joy when we know that God's love is the ultimate gift.
2. His love and joy begins to overflow through our lives and we begin to leave behind our worries and anxieties.
3. God uses us in our right relationship with Him to glorify Him, and His kingdom.

How awesome is that?!
God will use you.
We've crossed that bridge, now let's look farther...
In this ministry, begin to look at others through Christ's eyes.
Look at the lost and the hurting with compassion.
Lose the selfish attitude and look outside of yourself!

I know it's difficult to love others through your own pain, but imagine what Jesus went through!
God will surely give you strength.
Let Christ soften your heart. Settle your yearning for love and trust Him.
He will give you such a great peace!
It breaks Christ's heart to even look at someone who is lost, just as it says in the Bible, it must break our hearts too.
I hope that you are able to let go of whatever you need to so that God can use you.
I pray that you will find God's unending love and that you will let His joy overflow through your life.
It breaks my heart to know that you are hurting...but know this:
He will care for you...just let Him.


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