Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Dear Christian teens,
How amazing is our God! He has worked so much this past year.
There have been so many joyful moments, memories, and there have also been...struggles.

It's hard to admit it...but we all struggle from something.
Pain, sin, catastrophe, sickness, etc., etc.
So much darkness!

But where does it come from?


When God calls us to step out of our comfort zone, Christians tend to disobey Him...out of fear.
Fear turns into sin, sin turns into a lost heart, and a lost heart...loses that beautiful gift that God gives us.

Why aren't we making more disciples of the Lord?


There is so much fear.

We're surrounded by it. We can't seem to escape it.
It consumes us.
There is no peace, no joy, no...goodness.

Christians, when fear enters our life it is the only thing we know.

But there is a way from fear!
There is a hope that defeats fear itself!
This hope...is Jesus.
If only we will surrender to Him and give Him our lives.
We will find an unending peace.
If we will only search for Christ's redeeming joy, then oh the grace of Jesus finds us.

Deny fear.

What are we even afraid of?
Failure? Loss? Acceptance?

Trust me...
that is nothing to lose compared to the gift of eternity with our Father in Heaven.


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